Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Blogs and media sites that have picked up the Cleaver story

Just My Thoughts A unique opinion and a nice video clip of MSNBC reporting on it.

Sagacious Hillbilly Hmmm ... I'm not sure where this is coming from. He/she calls Cleaver a "spokes-negro".

End Politics As Usual Links to the CNN story. "Just for good measure, Cleaver manages to insult Kansas City Chiefs fans in the process." Good line

Eleições Americanas de 2008 In Portuguese! Esta semana, o congressista do Mississippi, Emanuel Cleaver, apoiante de Hillary Clinton, confessou a uma rádio canadiana que ficará muito surpreendido se Obama não for o próximo presidente dos Estados Unidos." I hope I copied a line that actually made sense.

Beltway Snark "Note to Emanuel Cleaver; you’re not supposed to say the other team is going to win:" Good one.

Huffington Post I emailed them twice on Sunday and Monday alerting them about this CBC story. No response. Now they're linking to Ben Smith at politico.com who was the only one to respond to my email. There's some good comments posted there, in amongst the usual toxic back and forth that infests that site.

Obama Brigade Obama partisan site, links to the CNN post

CNN Blog Political Ticker They must have picked this up just after Ben Smith on Politico.com posted it. There's a huge list of toxic political commentary below the story, with everyone bashing each other and very little sensible writing.

Donklephant Quick mention. "Maybe this is his way of supporting Obama without supporting him?" Hmmm ... maybe.

Associated Press They entitled their story "Lawmaker dismisses Obama's attraction", which really isn't the gist of the story at all. Are these guys always in full-on self-censorship mode? Geez, ya don't want to say anything vaguely controversial now, even if you have to twist the truth to do so. The important point of the story is that a highly placed Clinton supporter and co-chair was predicting the other guy would win. Anyway, the AP was on it pretty quick after Ben Smith broke the story to the US blogosphere.

KGET TV feeding the AP story.

The Daily Voice "Black America's Daily News Source" Some good commentary and analysis here. This stood out for me: "Rep. Cleaver uses backhanded compliments and sly digs, suggesting that he hasn't fully accepted the fact that his preferred candidate is trailing. Nevertheless, he makes a logical prediction. A rare moment of candor from a Clinton supporter, but tinged with resentment. 

He downplays Obama's activist and legislative credentials and is clearly in the thrall of the Clinton myth of "experience." He can't just make the point that Democrats prefer Obama (by a small margin); he has to try to damage Obama by suggesting that his white supporters are voting for him out of race-guilt (an old Republican lie). 

It's sad when a black leader like Cleaver can't credit another successful black leader with actual leadership qualities, as though whites have cornered the market on leadership and valid experience, and as though any black person making such claims is a pretender. Cleaver comes across as a crybaby, doesn't he? Another graceless loser in the Clinton camp."

Daily Kos There's a diary there, linked to the CNN story and 200+ comments, plus a few from me.

Politico.com I first heard the CBC interview on Sunday morning and expected it to hit the media pretty quick. It didn't and after a few hours I decided to try and alert some of the political blogs about the CBC interview with Cleaver. It's a lot harder to get someone to notice an obvious news story than I would have thought. 2 days later Ben Smith at Politico finally responded to my email with "Wow, thanks" and then the rest of the media picked it up. Surprisingly even CBC didn't respond until today after I had asked them if they were aware that they were sitting on a scoop with that interview. A producer for the Sunday Edition nonchalantly mentioned that CNN and Slate had picked up the story. Well, yeah, that's because I sent out a slew of emails and blog postings! 

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