Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More media on the Cleaver story

Alan Colmes Liberalland focuses on the part of the interview where Cleaver makes his, I would say somewhat tongue-in-cheek, assessment of white American's speaking ability. They've nicely separated out some of the sound clips from the interview, which is something I thought of doing, but the task of spending hours trying to figure out how to do it and installing software dissuaded me.

Amerracuda mentions that Cleaver is his/her congressman and states how she/he doesn't blame Cleaver if he's wavering in his support of Clinton.

PoliGazette from the Netherlands comments that Cleaver's honesty is "refreshing". I think there's more motive to his honesty than just being for the sake of honesty.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports "Cleaver, is he conflicted?"

The Mile High Report, a Colorado sports blog says, "I don't know what is the bigger insult, the Chiefs being compared to Hillary or Hillary being compared to a bad football team."

MSNBC reports on the story, with a fair bit of reader commentary.

The Kansas City Star has a brief story posted on their online edition.

Stacycspits weblog reports on the story

Black Political Thought says Rev. Cleaver took the "low road" in his criticism of Obama's speaking skills and names him "Idiot of the Week".

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