Friday, April 4, 2008

Cleaver clarifies in Newsweek

Rev. Cleaver has now done a follow up interview clarifying his remarks to CBC Radio last week with Jessica Ramirez of Newsweek, posted on their site today.

Cleaver's remarks are definitely an attempt at damage control, although he didn't back off his statement that Obama would win. He clarified that Clinton does have a small chance if "we pitch a perfect game."

Hmmm, his sports analogies seem to get him into trouble.

He also says that Clinton was encouraged by his comments and said "You've been a very loyal and dependable friend."

Now, I'm not someone who would really know how politicians like this talk to each other but I think that statement strains credibility. I'd say it was more likely that Hillary, Bill or someone connected to the campaign said something closer to "You've been a #$%*!  #$%& and ##$% @#$$%!!

All in all, I think that this interview is Cleaver's attempt to try and create a credible path for his eventual support of Obama after HRC inevitably loses. He says "Remember I'm for Senator Clinton. I'm not against Senator Obama. If he gets the nomination, I want him to win."

I wish someone could tell Hillary and her supporters that.


Debbie said...

Great Blog!

A comment on this story: As Cleaver is from Kansas City Royals country I doubt he can tell Hillary how to pitch a perfect game.

the real campaign said...

Thanks for the compliment. Just getting started with this and I don't know where it's going.

Didn't Cleaver already say that his home team was going to be losing? ;)